What stops you to help others?????

Let me start with a short story😇😇 a few years back in my school days💓 I and my friends who were all the backbenchers of that batch eagerly waiting for the lunch break because basically, we are all foodies right!! suddenly the bell rang the teacher went out of the class and we are rushing out of the class to wash hands (good habit😜😜). At that time we had a  friend Priya who is a physically challenged person lose her one leg in an accident in her childhood days. She always spends time with us because the other students always hesitated to speak with her because of her poverty and physical appearance. But we are all fond of her because of her caring, kindness and the level of love she showed towards us. She also rushed with us to the sink to wash hands. But already there was a group of people surrounds the sink so we were all looking for a gap to wash our hands because the food is waiting for us 😍😍😍. During that hurry, Priya slipped into the floor but none came forward to help her, Even the so-called friends we also would not come forward to help her because we were all in the mindset that touching girls in a public place is a wicked one (taught by our good teachers). But in the meantime, she slowly stands up on her own.
Then we went and ask her "Anything Happened Priya!!!!!!" and some other repeated questions. 
But she asked us,
Priya:: Why even you could not come forward to help me in that situation ??? you are my only friends in the whole school even you couldn't come who will come and help me in that situation, what stops you to help me!!!!! 
We:: 😷😷😷😷😷 Sorry Priya we didn't know what stops us to help you !!!!!
she also didn't open her mouth whole day after that incident 
Then we looked each other faces and after some time we went to eat!!!!!!!
This incident clearly gave us thought of helping others and the friendship sees no gender. 
If we went and helped her in that situation, she never stuck into that wicked situation. So the fault is ours!!!!!! We see only the gender...GIRL, not the situation she was stuck. Suppose if a boy stucks in the same situation we didn't see anything just go and helped him the same situation is suited for the girls also. They help only girls not boys because they are BOY and girls shouldn't speak with them (the same so-called teacher taught these things to us).
If someone is in a critical situation, just think about their situation and help them to come out of that situation not think whether they are
rich or poor!!!!!!
good or bad!!!!!
 Male or Female!!!! 
backward or forward!!!! (I think u guys can catch my point )
If someone does a bad thing to you, it doesn't mean you have to do the same bad to them. Just smile and do good things to them and let the karma to do its work!!!!!!
If you help others, you lost nothing. If you don't, there is a 100% chance that you lost that person from your life.
 If you lost a person means you lost a book of learning!!! 
It costs more!!!!!!!😈


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